“Child slaves – Kindersklaven”won
- a nomination for the Emmys in the category Current Affairs.
- the CNN Award for best reportage
- a gold medal at the World Media Festival for Global Issues Documentary
- a Silver World medal at the New York Festivals
- the Amnesty International Film Award for Human Rights
- the German Human Rights Film Award
- the Axel Springer Award for best television reportage
- the child aid award - Kindernothilfepreis
- the TV3 International Award by the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation
- best television reportage at the Ernst-Schneider-Prize of the German Chambers of Commerce
And a nomination for the German Television Award
“Dirty Games” won
- three medals at the New York Filmfestival one of them the Silver medal for Cinematography
- Best Documentary at the Hollywood International Independent Award
- Best Foreign Feature at the Hollywood International Independent Award
- Best Documentary at Snowdance
- Best Documentary at StarDoc in Hollywood
„Pharmasklaven – pharma slaves“ was nominated for the German Human Rights Film Award 2012
“Kinderschinder” won the
- child aid award - Kindernothilfepreis
- a special mentioning at the Catholic Media award
“Nightmare in Dreamland” won a Humanity Explored Audience Award
„Der gekaufte Fußball – soccer sold“ won the director Benjamin Best the CNN-sportsjournalist of the year award 2011